
Monday, July 13, 2009


As you know I am a Eco-nut so of course you would think that I hate veal. You're wrong that shit's fuckin' delicious. Don't get me wrong I think it's horrible what they do to the calves but it's scrumdiddliumptious. I don't wake up every and have veal puffs with marshmallow surprise. Veal is an every now and then food. It's pretty horrible what they do but veal is so delicious it might even sell better if it was called cute immoblized tortured calf lean. It is so delicious I had some from a microwave Hungry Man last night and it still was just as good and delicious as if Steve McFancypants' dine and deliciousness. If I had to choose between sex and cute immobilized tortured calf lean I'd be eating fancy. The only the thing better is sex and veal. If you think that meat is wrong, whatever that's your thing. However if you think that being vegetarian helps the environment then kill yourself. As much as I hate the moron I have to say I agree with Carlos Mencia. It's true that methane is the leading cause of holes in the ozone. Methane that is emitted from the asses of cattle. Feild cattle. The kind that are not chained up indoors where their deadly methane can be safely directed to an air filtration and decontamination unit. Not is veal that kind of cattle but vegetables are the thing that can turn the methane into healthy oxygen. Don't hate me for eating veal. I'm only doing what is best for the environment. Do your environmental duty eat veal and kill vegetarians.

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